Craigslist: Stop Allowing the Sale of Puppy Mill Dogs

Target: Craig Alexander Newmark, Founder of Craigslist

Goal: Demand Craigslist and other online domains be more vigilant about the sale of puppy mill dogs on their sites.

Puppy mills are particularly cruel operations. At these breeding facilities, dogs are kept in overcrowded, unsanitary conditions, forced to live in tiny cages that are rarely—if ever—cleaned. Due to the close confines and lack of veterinary care access, dogs at these mills often fall sick and premature death is relatively common. Puppies are removed from their mothers shortly after birth, so that their mothers can move onto producing yet another litter. These dogs are often not even let out of their cages to exercise or interact with humans, leaving them unsocialized and anxious. Puppy mills largely neglect the needs of mother dogs and puppies, as the sole goal of their operation is to produce as many dogs as possible to sell for as much money as possible.

While many states have begun banning the sale of dogs in pet stores—as most of these dogs are supplied by abusive puppy mill operations—puppy mill owners have found creative ways around in person sales. Owners have grown increasingly reliant on online forums, such as Craigslist and Ebay, where they deceive customers with pictures of happy and healthy puppies in fields with bows—shielding the public from the harsh reality of their business.

While Craigslist has formally banned the sale of live animals on its website, backyard breeders and mill operators are still easily able to sell their animals on the site under false pretenses. Sign this petition to demand Craigslist pay more close attention to the sale of live animals on its site and forbid any further posts advertising available puppies.


Dear Mr. Newmark,

While Craigslist formally prohibits the sale of live animals, many illegal or unethical breeders have found ways around this ban and continue to sell their animals on your online platform. Craigslist has become a hotspot for puppy mill operators to advertise their dogs under the guise of being a reputable breeder. Though they advertise healthy looking puppies in spacious fields with bows in their fur, these images couldn’t be farther from the truth. Dogs at puppy mills suffer extreme abuse, as they are viewed only as vessels to breed and sell for profit rather than as animals with individual needs.

We are asking you, Mr. Newmark, to be more vigilant about the sale of puppy mill dogs on your site and to prevent Craigslist from being involved in illegal and unethical puppy trafficking operations.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Krotz


  1. Puppy mill criminals and people who purchase animals from them should see prison time- see what it feels like to be caged and abused

    • My wish is for Animal Vigilantes to dish out Street Justice to these wicked morons, the sort they won’t recover from

  2. Craigslist should not be selling any live animal, period. Craigslist is open to animals being sold to anyone looking for an animal for any wrong reason, to sick animals and abused animals going to sick and depraved people. Stop selling puppy mill animals and all other animals as there is no other way to stop criminal activity through your site.

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  • jacci russ
  • Fran Nelis
  • Kelly Barr
  • Sarah Dorst
  • Stefan Moesch
  • Henning Weltz
  • Mary Dart - US citizen
  • Kelly Glendening
  • azia cassell
  • wesley burnett
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