Stop Injecting Rabbits, Mice, and Guinea Pigs With Toxins to Test Cosmetics

Target: Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives

Goal: Prohibit the sale of animal-tested cosmetic products and help save hundreds of thousands of animals from unethical, unnecessary laboratory procedures.

Despite majority public opposition, the use of animals in cosmetic testing is still widely legal in parts of the U.S. Cosmetic tests typically involve exposing animals—mostly mice, rats, rabbits, and guinea pigs—to irritation tests, where animals have potentially toxic chemicals rubbed on their shaven skin and dripped into their eyes. Other common procedures include force-feeding ingredients to animals to determine the long-term effects, or injecting them with chemicals to observe the bodily response. These sentient creatures suffer tremendously throughout the testing process, and once they are no longer of use are brutally killed by means of asphyxiation, neck-breaking or decapitation.

Not only is cosmetic testing cruel, but it is entirely unnecessary. We already know of thousands upon thousands of safe ingredients that can be mixed and morphed into millions of new and improved formulas. Plus, due to advancements in technology, tons of other viable alternatives to direct animal testing now exist. The Humane Cosmetics Act of 2021 was introduced to the House as a way of limiting cosmetic animal testing in the U.S. While many other countries, including Israel, India, and the European Union have all banned the sale of any cosmetics that have been tested on animals, these products and ingredients are still entirely available at mainstream stores and sites throughout America.

The U.S. is lagging behind so many other nations in our treatment of animals. Demand an end to the sale of animal-tested cosmetics.


Dear Representative Pelosi,

The continued use of animals in cosmetic testing throughout the U.S. is rather appalling. Animals—including mice, rats, rabbits, and guinea pigs—are force-fed substances, injected with toxins, and have potentially lethal chemicals dripped into their sensitive eyes. In the face of equally successful alternative methods of testing, cosmetic animal-testing is antiquated and unnecessary. Not to mention there are already hundreds of thousands of ingredients we know to be safe for human use.

The Humane Cosmetics Act of 2021 was recently introduced to the House in hopes that the U.S. would follow the lead of many other countries—such as Israel, India, and the European Union—in banning the sale and distribution of animal-tested cosmetic products. We are asking you, Speaker Pelosi, to support this act and help reduce the number of animals used in cosmetic testing. No being should suffer for our physical preferences.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Understanding Animal Research


  1. William Turner says:


  2. MARITA SCHAUB says:

    STOP the testing!!!!!!!Testing is NOT NEEDED! I only buy
    “Clean” & Cruelty free.

  3. Janette+Lands says:

    No animal should suffer for our vanity. Not even for medical reasons. No excuse for animal abuse.

  4. Pure evil that must be stopped immediately 😡

  5. 😰😰😰



  7. Ginger Thompson says:

    Stop injecting innocent animals.

  8. The bastards who do this obviously enjoy seeing animals suffer. Mostly it is a load of bollox and just making money and funded by the big cosmetics companies.
    If they NEED to do this which they really DO NOT, the governments could become useful by supplying waste of space prisoners for testing and at least then they would be doing something useful instead of costing the taxpayers millions of pounds being kept in cosy luxury behind bars!

    Same for druggies and alkies who do not, and will not work and scrounge off of the state. As the cosmetics are obviously for humans, then bloody well test on humans. Muggers, murderers rapists, they are all there packing out our over full prisons. These are the bastards who should be tested on; NOT innocent animals who have no choice!
    If anyone does not like my views then tough, this is what is needed to stop the torture of innocent animals and creatures the world over.
    Or maybe better still, under cover ‘vigilante’ groups to burn the bastards out giving them a serious taste of their own twisted medicine!

  9. Michele Lipshutz says:

    Please stop inflicting such atrocities upon God’s creatures. They were not created for this purpose.

  10. If you do don’t what to be the test subjects of these evil and cruel experiments don’t do it to defenseless animals!STOP IT NOW!!!

  11. Just want to say. Its good reading all these comments. It shows me there’s still good ppl in the world.

  12. Julia Edinger says:

    I totally agree with Jon White
    “ The bastards who do this obviously enjoy seeing animals suffer. Mostly it is a load of bollox and just making money and funded by the big cosmetics companies.
    If they NEED to do this which they really DO NOT, the governments could become useful by supplying waste of space prisoners for testing and at least then they would be doing something useful instead of costing the taxpayers millions of pounds being kept in cosy luxury behind bars!
    Same for druggies and alkies who do not, and will not work and scrounge off of the state. As the cosmetics are obviously for humans, then bloody well test on humans. Muggers, murderers rapists, they are all there packing out our over full prisons. These are the bastards who should be tested on; NOT innocent animals who have no choice!
    If anyone does not like my views then tough, this is what is needed to stop the torture of innocent animals and creatures the world over.
    Or maybe better still, under cover ‘vigilante’ groups to burn the bastards out giving them a serious taste of their own twisted medicine! “

  13. Cosmetic animal testing needs to be obsolete. Millions of animals are tortured for nothing!

  14. Animal testing is the combined elements of GREED, CORRUPTION, IGNORANCE, DISREGARD FOR THE SANCTITY OF LIFE THE DENIAL OF THE RIGHT OF ALL BEINGS NOT TO BE TORTURED, STUPIDITY, AND THE LIES CLAIMING THAT THE SUFFERING OF THE ANIMALS IS WARRANTED FOR THE “BENEFIT” TO HUMANS (Anybody remember Thalidomide, which was tested on animals and judged to be safe for humans?!!! Then there were all those who died waiting for antibiotics that didn’t pass their animal tests. HAVE WE FIGURED OUT THAT HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY IS NOT THE SAME AS ANIMAL SYSTEMS??? WHEN DO WE STOP THESE PIMPS FROM ANIMAL TORTURE FOR PROFIT??


  16. They know animal testing is no longer needed and proves nothing. They just want to use it as an excuse to get funds and to do it anyway. I want to wring each and every one of those evil, cruel, pieces of crap’s damn necks. To make them agonize in such excrutiating, extreme pain, the same as they put each and every animal through being .. TOTALLY UNECESSARY!!! I will be happy the day KARMA kicks their asses!

  17. Put an end to this inhuman method.

  18. STOP BUYING COSMETICS THAT TEST ON ANIMALS. I purchase stuff from ELF. So many these days that do not test on animals.

  19. This is total bullshit in this day and age! This is why we have modern technology to simulate reactions to toxins. Who on Earth ever gave permission to use animals in such a vile way??!!

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