Stop Cutting Open Greyhounds for Entertainment

Target: Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister of Australia

Goal: Demand Australia ban the artificial impregnation of greyhounds in favor of more humane, less invasive alternatives.

Recently, a movement to ban the artificial impregnation of greyhounds in Australia was overturned in a New South Wales animal welfare bill, despite much opposition from veterinary technicians and the public majority. This highly invasive, unnecessary, and unethical procedure—which is illegal in most countries throughout the world—is oftentimes extremely painful for dogs who undergo it. Ovulating female dogs are anesthetized, and their abdomens are cut open. The uterus is then injected with semen before being returned to the dogs’ abdomen.

In addition to the dangers of anesthetics and invasive procedures, a series of life-threatening health complications–including blood-clotting–can arise after this surgery. Still, this practice is thriving throughout Australia as a means to produce racing greyhounds, as well as other types of dog breeds like French bulldogs and pugs.

Sign this petition to demand an end to this cruel surgical procedure and to protect greyhounds under Australian law.


Dear Prime Minister Albanese,

There are many reasons why artificially impregnating greyhounds has been outlawed in other countries. For instance, this procedure–which is regarded as unethical by a large percentage of the vets forced to perform it–is extremely invasive. It involves anesthetizing ovulating female dogs, cutting their abdomens open, and injecting their uterus with semen. In addition to the risks from the anesthetics, dogs may suffer from a series of health conditions–such as blood-clotting–in the aftermath of the surgery.

We are asking you, Mr. Albanese, to ban this cruel practice in Australia. Our entertainment is not worth these dogs’ severe suffering.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Christina


  1. Greyhounds are treated horribly! In Every Country! In the U.S. they are given drugs – cocaine -only to make them run faster. PLEASE STOP THIS ABUSE IN AUSTRALIA. I had a greyhound. Found him as a stray running down a country road. He was the sweetest most gentle dog and only wanted to sleep on the couch. That is why they are nicknamed “Couch Potatoes”!

  2. What is wrong with these monsters?! Why do they think it’s okay to do this horrible thing to innocent dogs? This must be stopped now. Animals are treated badly enough without something monstrous as this.

  3. Christian Georgeff says:

    Kill whoever is doing this.

  4. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    I hate, hate, hate animal abusers and think they should all be eradicated from this earth for the sake of all living creatures. I think that this should be done using a Karma Bat so it’ll be painful for them. Just when you think humans have come up with every way to hurt dogs, they come up with another form of torture that sickens me.

  5. Why is greyhound racing still legal?!?! I know in the US it has been banned in some states and working on shutting it down in the rest. That needs to END. The cruelty involved in greyhound racing is appalling…which leads us to this ugly practice of artificial impregnating. Ban ALL OF THIS – dogs were domesticated to be our companions, it is a horrible betrayal to make them endure this cruelty.

  6. Debra Spurrier says:

    Seriously–WTF?! WTF is wrong with the human species?! SOOOO many of us are MONSTERS when it comes to the other animals on this planet. This is just more horrific unspeakable unimaginable cruelty from the human species. It is boundless-

  7. William Turner says:

    Filthy sport run by perverts

  8. ROBBIN McKnight says:

    Humans really need to be made to suffer the same thing as they make their victims suffer

  9. What in the Hell is Wrong with Humans??? Monsters Not Humans! Why would you torture and maim Man’s Best Friend? God is Watching, these are his Creatures not ours to do as we see fit! All for Money! Shame on All of you who participate in this Heinous Act. God Save The Greyhounds from Any More Abuse and Torture! 😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏💔

  10. Torturing animals for entertainment…Boy, we humans have come a long way. Who finds animal abuse fun? You really have to wonder about tgese “people.” Grotesque.

  11. ANY HUMAN INVOLVED IN THIS INCLUDING THE IDIOTS WH ALLOW IT ARE SO QUILTY OF CREULTY AND SHOULD BE JAILED FOR YEARS!! The earth will NEVER heal as long as there are hu7mans who think cruelty is OK or who do nothing about it when they are in a position to make a difference!!!!! GROW A PAIR!!!!!!!!

  12. AGAIN. I learn new shit like this about animals.WTF!!!!!!?

  13. MICHAEL BAVARO says:


  14. Liliana Espejo says:

    This is horrible


  16. How about prosecuting the vets who do this. They are supposed to care for animals not be partners in some of the most abusive practices done to animals. My Lord if your going to breed these sweet animals to keep abusing them at least let them do it naturally.

  17. these people knows better. karma can be a witch

  18. Eddie Pittmon says:

    What would Jesus do???

  19. What in the HELL is wrong with these barbaric bastards??!! STOP IT!!!! NOW!!!

  20. Julia Edinger says:

    I totally agree with this person’s comment

    “ I hate, hate, hate animal abusers and think they should all be eradicated from this earth for the sake of all living creatures. I think that this should be done using a Karma Bat so it’ll be painful for them. Just when you think humans have come up with every way to hurt dogs, they come up with another form of torture that sickens me.”

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