Stop Sentencing Dogs and Cats to Death After Just Five Days in Shelters

Target: Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States

Goal: Raise the minimum number of days a U.S. shelter must house a dog or cat before euthanizing them.

Many people fail to recognize the prevalence of kill-shelters throughout the United States. The antiquated practice of murdering innocent dogs and cats in the name of population control results in the deaths of nearly one million pets in the U.S. each year. Sometimes, the methods of euthanasia employed are extremely unpleasant or even painful for the animals. Gas chambers–tiny metal boxes that get filled with dogs and cats and pumped with toxic gasses–for example, are still legal in states across the U.S and cause their victims mental and physical duress.

To make matters worse, over thirty states have laws outlining a “holding period” for kill-shelters. According to this legislation, shelters are currently only required to house a dog or cat for a period of 5-7 days before euthanizing them. Sometimes, however, animals are euthanized in a mere 48 or 72 hours. In the majority of cases, these companion animals are very friendly and healthy, extremely adoptable candidates. Sometimes, the dogs and cats killed are people’s pets that got lost and taken in by overcrowded shelters, never to be returned again.

Killing as many dogs and cats in the shortest amount of time is not the solution to overpopulation. We must make spaying and neutering more affordable to the masses, educate people on the effects of releasing their animals, and better promote adoption and adoptable pets. Sign this petition to encourage legislation to raise the holding period for dogs and cats at kill-shelters across the U.S. and to give these innocent animals a chance at finding a forever home.


Dear President Biden,

The United States is currently in the midst of an extreme pet overpopulation epidemic. Dogs and cats are ending up in shelters by the millions and are being senselessly murdered because of overcrowding. Kill-shelters, which are still largely common throughout the U.S., euthanize nearly one million dogs and cats each year, sometimes employing cruel methods such as gassing.

Animals at these shelters are not given much time to find new homes. In over thirty states, laws establish the required “holding period” for any given pet in a kill-shelter need not exceed 5-7 days. In some cases, dogs and cats receive only 48-72 hours before being destroyed. These animals are almost always highly adoptable candidates, with picture perfect health and temperament. Often, animals that are killed were people’s pets that had gotten lost and turned in. If these animals were given a little more time, maybe these owners could have reunited with their pets.

These animals deserve a better chance at finding a forever home. We are asking you, President Biden, to please increase the minimum period of time kill-shelters are required to hold their animals. Seven days are not enough.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Sonia Su


  1. I have been working in rescue n TNVR for 15 years! This is DEFINITELY A PEOPLE PROBLEM! The innocent, voiceless souls are the ones who pay the ULTIMATE price!
    We’ve been killing innocent animals in this country for DECADES!! IT DOESN’T WORK because we’re still doing it. DEFINITION OF INSANITY! We need more assistance programs, MUCH TOUGHER animal cruelty laws, and empower folks to step up to the plate and take care of their animals.
    I’ve seen things that CANNOT BE UNSEEN😪

    • Cecilia Johansson says:

      God bless you for your unselfish work. I agree wholeheartedly.

    • You are 100 per cent right on. I have been saying this for years

    • Patricia Lamonica says:


    • THANK YOU!! I did the same as you for almost 20 years. First thing that needs to go? BREEDING!! In New York there are PUREBREDS IN SHELTERS. On death row!!And this is nothing new. Has been going on for years. I doubt any petition will help this situation. Even with POTUS.

      • Thank you! I couldn’t agree more! In rescue, we refer to it as “Greed n Breed” as it’s all based on money!!! Thousands of innocent animals are killed daily. Their only crime is being homeless!

    • We need to have people access to free spay and neutering. The government needs to fund this. This the only way to stop the over population

      • 100%! We pay “out of pocket” for most, if not all of our neuters, food, shelter, foster supplies, etc. Most of us are truly rescue broke. It’s very sad. We do it because of our compassion for other living creatures. We are fortunate to have access to some vouchers, but at $50 each and neutering a colony of 50 really adds up.

    • Melinda+Maddox says:

      God bless you because I could never do your job. I have 2 acres and it would stay full of pets!!! I do have 4 cats and a big dog. All unwanted pets. I agree it’s pet owners that are NOT responsible. I know most vets give discounts for people with foo stamps for spay and neuter services. However it would be fabulous if they would just lower their prices a little maybe more people would get their animals fixed. It costs me $70 each to spay my cats but I don’t want any unwanted animals.

    • I agree!! It’s time to get rid of kill shelters.

      • Heart stick and gas death chambers that kill animals are brutal. There are many states who have passed laws to cease these procedures, but we have A LONG WAY to go. 😿

  2. Janette+Lands says:

    So thought I would read about a third world country. Step up USA.

  3. Monica+Lee+Koski says:

    I do not believe in killing healthy animals for convenience…there has to be better ways like maybe building more shelters to house the high number of displaced dogs. And…to think that killing of these innocent animals happens after only 5-7 days is outrageous! That does not even provide enough time to locate their owners let alone find new adopters/ homes.We should do better for these innocent dogs and cats that are in this situation through no fault of their own!

  4. Nadine brundage says:

    This country can certain do a better job to help shelters become No Kill and give highly adoptable animals a chance for a home. Animals dumped in shelters need time to adjust to shelter life and given ample time and training if necessary to help them find a good home.

  5. Until those in Power understand that the Basic forms of Ethical Morality for all Humanity begins with our Animals. To blatantly euthanize animals for No reason other than space is a disgusting form of Animal control when No laws are made to make the buying or selling of Animals an issue, to help protect them from Abuse, Puppy Mills and General failure to provide the basic protection from the elements of daily life. Heat And Cold. To enforce protection from Diseases through vaccinations from Parvo etc and to Make abandonment of an Animal a crime. If animal were a way to provide Votes in any election it would be a priority to legislate laws to protect them.

    • The animal cruelty laws are NOT STRICT enough! I’ve seen it personally over and over again. These folks are given a slap on the wrist so they can offer the same cruelty to another animal. It’s truly heartbreaking 💔

  6. Maria Lavorato says:

    I agree with comments ….this is an all around problem!

    More breeding laws should be in effect and less breeders. More funding from government. More shelters. Make spraying and neutering more available to EVERYONE!
    Innocent adoptable animals should not be killed. Time period of 5-7 days is outrageous!

    Every avenue should be exhausted. It should not be a set rule to KILL in a certain time period! HOW UTTERLY THIRD WORLD! PLEASE GIVE THE ANIMALS FEAR AND PAIN A THOUGHT!

  7. Sandra+Dragan says:

    That’s a freakin lie! About Animal population! It’s a freaking myth! there is no overpopulation of animals! there is of freakin people! But NOT OF ANIMALS! It’s total BS! 😡 there are plenty of homes available for these innocent souls! It’s that freakin people don’t want to take them in or can’t for some reason. Some people have fur babies and aren’t responsible enough to take the task of caring for these poor babies! So they dump them like freakin trash or betray them and bail on them! When you have a fur baby, They rely on you to take care of them, they become part of the family! You don’t freakin DUMP ON THEM AND/OR MISTREATMENT THEM!! 😡 people that DO CRAP LIKE THAT, God WILL punish! Because it is a freakin Sin! We are suppose to love & care for these innocent souls! May God bless them always. ❤️😔

  8. The real problem is people who had these sweet animals is them giving up taking care of them when they care of themselves. Only humans that are TRUE animal lovers should have the privilege of taking care of family pets.

  9. tessa zimmer says:

    Get a grip and GET REAL – end this madness NOW!
    make vet care affordable – spay/neuter – and other care and educate on animal care – an indicator or a great society is how they treat those whom are voiceless – children and animals – that’s the foundation

    • I agree with you 100% on the fact that veterinarians charge way too much money for their services. It’s B.S.! Talk about taking advantage and price gouging. Bottom line is that some shelters don’t give a shit about these innocent animals! There’s no way they’re even trying to find homes for them. Five days to live….what a joke!

      • Bet costs are expensive. The cost for veterinary equipment is extremely expensive. When I was at an emergency hospital in Charlotte, one ultrasound, scan equipment can cost upwards of 4 hundred thousand. Our vet technicians are extremely under paid. A lot of veterinarians spend a HUGE majority of their careers paying back student loans. On average, depending on the state, NC veterinarians only make around 80K per year which is not very much considering the EXTREMELY high cost for their educations and student loan debts. No one gets into veterinary medicine for the money. They do it for the compassion that they have for the animals. We are losing valuable veterinarians and RVT’s as they are becoming burned out. Many are very disrespected because of the cost of care. A RVT has zero control over that. As many vet hospitals that are being run by corporate America, the veterinarians themselves have no control over it either.
        What is the solution? Very sad.

    • Yes! If a country is judged by the way it treats its animals, we are in DEEP TROUBLE!

  10. Elease M. Bradford says:

    I don’t think shelters should euthanize animals at all. Five to seven days is not long enough for animals to be reunited with their pet parents or adopted into a loving home. Shelters should be required to keep animals at least thirty days or indefinitely if possible.

  11. Any human involved in this practise should be charged with cruelty!!!!!

  12. Dogs and cats deserve better than just five days to their awful execution. There should be nothing but no kill shelters. They need a chance for love and a good life!

  13. Euthanizing should be banned altogether. Ridiculous. These are DOMESTIC PETS…they are OUR responsibility. Let’s start making better laws to protect our furbabies.

  14. Sir: To have a dog or cat in a shelter for 5 days is not long enough to find a home or even a foster or rescue. you are a dog person. these animals needs more time to find a home. give them a chance

  15. Sungoes yang says:

    Here’s to the hitmen that can’t seem to find another job and resort to killing innocent animals: may your nights be sleepless forever, May you suffer anxiety, depression, and remorse for what you have done. You will pay the price when you meet God on your judgement day.


  17. Become civilized. You have no right to kill poor defenseless animals. Become civilized!

  18. Joseph Kenosky says:

    This is despicable and must end.

  19. What a waste of your time and ours!!!! Biden and the Federal Govt have absolutely NO jurisdiction over these matters…Shelters are regulated by state/city/county/town entities. This petition although well-intentioned and addressing a serious issue of concern to so many animal advocates and lovers, will go NOWHERE!!!I live in NYC where our municipal shelters are slaughterhouses for companion animals, and we have been trying to pass state laws (SARA-Shelter Animal Rescue Act; CAPA – Companion Animal Protection Act) to no avail! Thousands of innocent healthy/treatable/adoptable animals are KILLED (please don’t say euthanized), each year…and there has been opposition and interference from the ASPCA!!! Yes!!! Because they want to have the last word, be top Dog ($$$$),and want shelters to be able to keep the power to kill!

  20. This is seriously a people problem as mentioned here, as it is the millions of domestic unwanted and unloved dogs, cats, etc., that are the innocents that suffer in this. Social issues involving : homelessness; FORECLOSURES and HOME LOSS-unemployment or underemployed; The literal thousands of rental landlords that do not allow pets, or limit the number of pets; Family members that are allergic or become allergic to the newly adopted pet, or suddenly become allergic after living around the pet. They give them up for so many reasons, not all good, not good at all.
    It is a SOCIAL ISSUE -> = animal overpopulation and high euthanasia issue. Help the people /help the animals. Run for something political, or support those who have similar basic ethical anti-cruelty & humane values as yourself, and those of you that spend your time and live your life around and with. God Bless the ‘First Responders’ and ‘Critical Care providers’as well as all the many Rescuers and those who Care for animals, they and (we) are the ones who will “inherit” the Earth. Let’s ALL “make Heaven a place” on Earth.” 🫶🐶

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  • Lissa F
  • Jamie Chow
  • Alana Willroth
  • Jamie Chow
  • Michael Brinkman
  • jacci russ
  • Kerstin Herrmann
  • Fran Nelis
  • Kelly Barr
  • Mary Dart - US citizen
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