Stop Torturing Dogs and Cats to Death in Gas Chambers

Target: Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States

Goal: Ban the inhumane practice of gassing dogs and cats at kill shelters.

Dogs and cats in kill shelters are euthanized at alarming rates. While the number of animals euthanized has decreased significantly from previous years–it was in the millions just a few years ago–hundreds of thousands of dogs and cats still face this cruel fate each year in the United States.

Kill shelters usually give their pets a mere 72 hours and, if the pet doesn’t get adopted within this minimal time frame, they are euthanized in the name of population management. Sometimes, dogs or cats considered “desirable” will be given a little extra time, though it is only a matter of a day or two. Animals that are killed are usually perfectly healthy and often extremely sociable–they are by no means unadoptable, just victims of poor circumstance and timing.

Among the many methods of euthanization is gassing. Unfortunately, though outlawed in the majority of states, this practice is still legal in four states–namely Ohio, Wyoming, Missouri and Utah. Gas chambers are regarded as a particularly efficient method for euthanizing animals, as they allow workers to kill the most animals in the least amount of time. Gas chambers are metal boxes that emit either carbon monoxide (CO) or carbon dioxide (CO2) in high doses.

To save money spent on CO and CO2 gasses, tens of animals are usually cramped into the chamber at once. Animals are stressed and scared as they enter the unfamiliar environment that often reeks of the urine, blood, and feces of animals from prior executions. Dogs and cats cry out as they are being gassed and desperately try to escape, sometimes even breaking their own claws as they try to dig their way to freedom. Arguably the most disturbing part is that it might be upwards of forty minutes before an animal loses consciousness, so they are subjected to these agonizing conditions for a prolonged period of time.

Dogs and cats belong in homes to be loved and cared for, not thrown into metal gas chambers and discarded as if they are trash. Sign this petition to encourage that gas chambers be banned on a national level–there are more humane methods of euthanization, and it is our duty to ensure these methods are the ones implemented.


Dear President Biden,

The practice of euthanizing adoptable dogs and cats at overcrowded shelters is still very common throughout the United States. Among these methods of euthanization exists an unusually cruel method of torture–known as a gas chamber. Gas chambers, which are metal crates that emit copious amounts of poisonous gasses such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, are outlawed in most states. However, this means of euthanization is still legal and routinely practiced in four American states: Ohio, Wyoming, Missouri and Utah.

Dogs and cats subjected to these conditions suffer agonizing deaths. Tens of animals are thrown into a chamber at once, oftentimes stressed and scared by the strange environment. According to eyewitness accounts of the gassing process, animals typically cry out and try–without success–to dig their way out of the chambers. When unloading and discarding the bodies, shelter workers often notice injuries–like broken bones and claws–sustained during the gassing. Worst of all, it could take up to forty minutes for animals to completely lose consciousness, meaning they suffer immensely throughout this wretched process.

If dogs and cats must be killed by these shelters, we at least owe them a more humane death. Euthanization, by definition, means a painless death, so how can we continue to allow this as a permissible euthenasisa form? We are asking you, President Biden, to reduce the suffering of dogs and cats at shelters and to enact a national law banning the use of gas chambers in all states.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Erick Pleitez


  1. Some humans are evil pieces of sh*t.
    How does anyone live with themselves killing innocent animals when we don’t even kill disgusting sexual predators?

    Poor animals. I would save them before I save an asshole human.

    • I totally agree

    • Ellen Giammarino Munoz says:

      My goodness how can this practice be legal??? Is this any better than the dog meat industry or dog fighting or physically abusing an animal and then they go to a shelter and this happens?? This is unconscionable and must be stopped immediately!!

      • Dolores soeder says:

        Stop stop stop stop stop stop stop gas chamber dogs and cats. Wrong gas chamber and euthanasia dogs and cats.

    • Joyce O'Malley says:

      There’s a special place in HELL for them ASS HOLE HUMANS that are doing this – torturing and killing animals!!! I don’t like the human race anymore – we deserve to be annihilated and gassed like we do to these innocent sentient animals!!!

    • Yes, some humans are totally heartless.
      Hitler used gas chambers to murder innocent people & this wicked practice to murder innocent animals is no better!.

      • No Hitler didn’t kill Anyone stop believing the media that lies about everything Hitler was a vegetarian with the best animal rights on and best economy no prostitution drugs or alcohol. Sounds better than half the west right now too me.

    • Shoshannah Tempest says:

      This nation is rated next to the bottom #49 as a cruel nation to animals…this is shocking and unacceptable and worthy of God’s strongest curse

    • Linda Wagner says:

      I’m with you!

  2. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Stop euthanizing animals. Especially in this cruel way.

  3. Why is this being sent to Biden? Wouldn’t this be a state by state issue? Biden is willing to murder babies, why would he care about dogs and cats?

    • Ann Hoffman says:

      You had to make it political, didn’t you. You want to talk about the former president’s mishandling of the COVID pandemic? In what way is Biden murdering babies? You’re ridiculous.

      • It’s called abortion. Abortion is murder. The shelters are a state issue, not federal.

      • Biden has tripped and fallen more times than I can count it’s embarrassing watch on YouTube Biden smelling little babies before it gets taken down again. He’s a pedophile like trump , no one gets to the top being good.amd there is no pandemic, it’s a scamdemic plandemic.

    • Joyce O'Malley says:

      Why are you even bothering to comment on this website?? You don’t have any platform here – so bug off!!!

    • Joyce O'Malley says:

      I believe you have this animal advocate website confused with Truth Social – your real presidents website – this is not where you belong!

    • Denise Alvarado says:

      Biden doesn’t murder babies, nor did tRump except for the immigrant babies he separated then let die of Covid. Those that do murder babies are generally their parents who didn’t want them in the first place. Your critical thinking skills seem poor indeed.

      • Those illegal aliens belong in prison the deported! Hey maybe they can live in your house!! Or maybe pedophile Biden and his pedophile son can let them stay in the white house . And no I’m not a trump supporter I don’t vote for 2 criminal gangs.

  4. Monica+Lee+Koski says:

    I do not believe in euthanizing perfectly healthy dogs period. The fact that it is a frequent practice in the US is bad and disturbing enough,but the method of gassing is just plain barbaric, heartbreaking, beyond cruel, inhumane, and totally unneccessary, when there are alternatives that are painless and quick that are available. END THIS UNACCEPTABLE TORTURE OF INNOCENT ANIMALS!! And please,always choose to spay and neuter your cats and dogs!💕🐾❤

  5. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    Gas chamber euthanasia is EGREGIOUSLY CRUEL AND INHUMANE and MUST BE BANNED in all 50 states IMMEDIATELY. These poor animals have had miserable lives, and don’t deserve such a heartless and barbaric end.

  6. Jason Robbins says:

    It would take an inhumane monster to do something like this. I don’t know how anyone could do something like this to any of them. They’re the most loving wonderful companions you could hope for. I would die for my doggie, I love her like a daughter she’s been through so much with me. I could never dream of her or any other of these loving beautiful little babies suffering at all. Please stop this horrific inhumane treatment, none of them deserve this.

  7. Euthanizing healthy dogs (no matter how it’s done) is ethically, morally wrong. To euthanize an animal that is very ill and beyond help should be done in a kind, humane way. These are domestic animals, they are our children, to be cared for and protected. Let’s DO BETTER.

  8. Sue zimmer says:

    zero tolerance for this – none

  9. Johnny K. says:

    If I ever hit the lotto, I will piss off about half the population because I will spend millions helping out dogs and not one penny for a piece of shit human being. The only “good human beings” I see out there are the ones that are working their asses off hunting down and saving dogs that have been abandoned and/or tortured by some worthless sonofabitch called a human being. I will give the dogs filet mignon and let the “worthless human beings” eat bugs.


  11. Evelyn Ball says:

    So a big uproar was made about the Jews in World War I and how they were killed in concentration camps but it’s OK to kill animals the same way who feel pain and suffer just like we do. We are pathetic species

    • No one died in gas chambers that’s been proven by the red cross. Those were work camps same ones America had in WW2 for the Japanese living in America. please don’t believe the same media that lies about every war and dies nothing for farm animals or any animal . All media are scripted actors selling you propoganda

  12. Lorraine German says:

    This has got to stop immediately. Torture, abuse, gas chambers. This is enough. Where the HELL are the laws to protect the animals in this world. We as humans DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT have the right to say when they should die. Just because there are a lot of animals that are abandoned does not give us the right to take their lives. Build some more shelters for them. There are people out there that would help take care of them and feed them. There is a Lotta money in this world people just have to step up and help them out. Don’t forget they love us unconditionally and it is time for us to love them unconditionally and help them.
    Also, the laws have to change. Anybody who tortures, abuses and kills an animal should be sentenced to the maximum and I mean MAXIMUM number of years they can be sentenced, and fined the maximum and I mean MAXIMUM amount they can be fined. They should also be banned from ever owning or have anything to do with an animal for the rest of their lives.

  13. Shoshannah Tempest says:

    This nation is rated next to the bottom #49 as a cruel nation to animals…this is shocking and unacceptable and worthy of God’s strongest curse

  14. Gas chambers are for bloody human, NOT FOR animals!!! STOP KILLING ANIMALS.

  15. Raynesha McGhee-Reed says:

    These Poor Animals Don’t Deserve this Horrible Animal Cruelty @ All.

  16. Joyce O'Malley says:

    Weird comments!!This article is about animals getting TORTURED to death in gas chambers – because NOBODY WANTS THEM ANYMORE!!! Its about OUR (Everyone’s) politicians – whom we all voted into office – to control the USA – whom are responsible to stop this carnage from happening by changing animal rights laws in the USA. The politicians are allowing Animals to get gassed and tortured to death. Its about a petition to be signed – by all of us – to be sent to our “wonderful caring kind compassionate” politicians (who really don’t give a shit because the want money and power) to stop this murder of innocent sentient animals – animals – who do not deserve a disgusting agonizing death BECAUSE people are too fucking selfish to take the responsibility of taking care of them properly for their short lives. Its not about Hitler or the Jews – or the Democrats or Republicans or Independents or Liberals etc….so sign the petition – share it with like minded people such as yourself – and get over yourselves already!!!

  17. Manitou Calmstorm says:



  19. Felipe Mitraud says:

    death penalty is for thugs, murderers and rapists…. shame, shame and shame to treat abandoned animals this way.

  20. Robert Richmond says:

    I have never heard of this type of euthanasia. This has got to top 10 worst ways of getting rid of animals this is absolutely inhumane and Monstrous. Those in charge in the states that allow this are pigs and sick this needs to be outlawed immediately. Unreal to sit there and listen to the cries of these animals while they’re being gassed and not be moved by that that’s a sick individual. Don’t know what it’s going to take but maybe if we get enough people to speak out this will stop.

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22568 Signatures

  • Lissa F
  • Alana Willroth
  • Michael Brinkman
  • Jamie Chow
  • jacci russ
  • Fran Nelis
  • Kelly Barr
  • Mary Dart - US citizen
  • Kelly Glendening
  • azia cassell
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