Stop Torturing Dogs and Cats to Death in Gas Chambers

Target: Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States

Goal: Ban the inhumane practice of gassing dogs and cats at kill shelters.

Dogs and cats in kill shelters are euthanized at alarming rates. While the number of animals euthanized has decreased significantly from previous years–it was in the millions just a few years ago–hundreds of thousands of dogs and cats still face this cruel fate each year in the United States.

Kill shelters usually give their pets a mere 72 hours and, if the pet doesn’t get adopted within this minimal time frame, they are euthanized in the name of population management. Sometimes, dogs or cats considered “desirable” will be given a little extra time, though it is only a matter of a day or two. Animals that are killed are usually perfectly healthy and often extremely sociable–they are by no means unadoptable, just victims of poor circumstance and timing.

Among the many methods of euthanization is gassing. Unfortunately, though outlawed in the majority of states, this practice is still legal in four states–namely Ohio, Wyoming, Missouri and Utah. Gas chambers are regarded as a particularly efficient method for euthanizing animals, as they allow workers to kill the most animals in the least amount of time. Gas chambers are metal boxes that emit either carbon monoxide (CO) or carbon dioxide (CO2) in high doses.

To save money spent on CO and CO2 gasses, tens of animals are usually cramped into the chamber at once. Animals are stressed and scared as they enter the unfamiliar environment that often reeks of the urine, blood, and feces of animals from prior executions. Dogs and cats cry out as they are being gassed and desperately try to escape, sometimes even breaking their own claws as they try to dig their way to freedom. Arguably the most disturbing part is that it might be upwards of forty minutes before an animal loses consciousness, so they are subjected to these agonizing conditions for a prolonged period of time.

Dogs and cats belong in homes to be loved and cared for, not thrown into metal gas chambers and discarded as if they are trash. Sign this petition to encourage that gas chambers be banned on a national level–there are more humane methods of euthanization, and it is our duty to ensure these methods are the ones implemented.


Dear President Biden,

The practice of euthanizing adoptable dogs and cats at overcrowded shelters is still very common throughout the United States. Among these methods of euthanization exists an unusually cruel method of torture–known as a gas chamber. Gas chambers, which are metal crates that emit copious amounts of poisonous gasses such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, are outlawed in most states. However, this means of euthanization is still legal and routinely practiced in four American states: Ohio, Wyoming, Missouri and Utah.

Dogs and cats subjected to these conditions suffer agonizing deaths. Tens of animals are thrown into a chamber at once, oftentimes stressed and scared by the strange environment. According to eyewitness accounts of the gassing process, animals typically cry out and try–without success–to dig their way out of the chambers. When unloading and discarding the bodies, shelter workers often notice injuries–like broken bones and claws–sustained during the gassing. Worst of all, it could take up to forty minutes for animals to completely lose consciousness, meaning they suffer immensely throughout this wretched process.

If dogs and cats must be killed by these shelters, we at least owe them a more humane death. Euthanization, by definition, means a painless death, so how can we continue to allow this as a permissible euthenasisa form? We are asking you, President Biden, to reduce the suffering of dogs and cats at shelters and to enact a national law banning the use of gas chambers in all states.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Erick Pleitez


  1. Elease M. Bradford says:

    The practice of killing dogs and cats in gas chambers need to be discontinued because it causes immense pain and suffering. these animals need to be put to sleep in a manner that is painless and lessens discomfort.

  2. Diane+johnson says:

    You think that Biden is going to do anything humane for animals when he believes in full term abortions???? LET’S GO BRANDON!!!!

  3. Mercedes Frank says:

    I thought we were done with gas Chambers this is BULLSHIT!

  4. This is beyond inhumane, horrible! If you read which states allow this form of euthanization you will realize they also allow killing contest. My point is not much compassion there.

    People need to be educated regarding spay and neuter of their pets. This is the only way to bring down the cat and dog or other animal population including horses!!!

  5. Christine Nuttall says:

    This has made me feel physically sick. Cannot abide any form of cruelty and this is just beyond belief that this is still going on.Those poor souls and just the thought of them being terrified fills me with hate for the humans that do this in the first place.

  6. Stop this senseless practice now!!!

  7. Sandra+Dragan says:

    If a fur baby is healthy & gets a long with people, WHY THE HELL do they need to go killing innocent Animals?!! There IS NO DAMN REASON FOR THIS MONSTROUS ACT!! This crap NEEDS to be BANNED EVERYWHERE!! They say that there’s a freakin over population of Animals when THAT’S NOT FREAKIN TRUE!! There IS however a damn population of freakin human beings in this freakin world! But you don’t see them killing PEOPLE OFF!! Do you?!! So STOP WITH THIS BS, & BAN FREAKIN GAS CHAMBERS & SHUT DOWN FREAKIN PLACES THAT DO THAT CRAP!! (Freakin KILL SHELTER S!!) 😡 NOW!! THIS MADNESS HAS TO STOP!!! May God be with all the Animals in those shelters & in the world. ❤️🙏🏻✝️

  8. It’s bad enough if China how these poor animals are murdered didn’t know America was like that too fuming

  9. This is sad this crap is still going on. I doubt Biden cares about animals and his administration are a bunch of idiots, but I guess it’s worth a try. This country worries about how to put a violent human criminal to death humanely, but can’t get rid of these gas chambers used on animals? Stop doing this to animals and used those gas chambers on the HUMAN violent criminals in this country.


  11. Andrew Wells says:

    Disgusting and immoral!!

  12. Muriel Servaege says:

    It was a war crime to kill Jews that way during the holocaust but now you find it normal to kill dogs in the same way. What’s wrong with you?

  13. Sally Grant says:

    Gas these arseholes. Do you gas humans to death! I can tell you one thing guys is that I am totally disallusioned to come and visit the states ever

  14. Nadine brundage says:

    This is so outdated and cruel, and we are not some third world country.
    Our shelter animals should not have to die in a gas chamber.

  15. There’s ZERO excuse and society shouldn’t tolerate it. Capital punishment for abusers and cold blooded murderers.

  16. Patrica+Birtles says:

    No way ! STOP !!!!!!

  17. There is no excuse for doing this to cats and dogs. People who hurt and kill animals should be in these gas Chambers — not sweet animals! As a cat mom, this really infuriates me!

  18. Gas all animal abusers to death instead…..they DESERVE it!

  19. Ash DAndrea says:

    This practice of archaic and inhumane! STOP IT! God be with all the innocent whose lives have ended in this manner.

  20. Kill shelters need to be abolished, & if the humans that work there disagree, the same to them.

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22568 Signatures

  • Lissa F
  • Alana Willroth
  • Michael Brinkman
  • Jamie Chow
  • jacci russ
  • Fran Nelis
  • Kelly Barr
  • Mary Dart - US citizen
  • Kelly Glendening
  • azia cassell
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