Stop Torturing Dogs and Cats to Death in Gas Chambers

Target: Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States

Goal: Ban the inhumane practice of gassing dogs and cats at kill shelters.

Dogs and cats in kill shelters are euthanized at alarming rates. While the number of animals euthanized has decreased significantly from previous years–it was in the millions just a few years ago–hundreds of thousands of dogs and cats still face this cruel fate each year in the United States.

Kill shelters usually give their pets a mere 72 hours and, if the pet doesn’t get adopted within this minimal time frame, they are euthanized in the name of population management. Sometimes, dogs or cats considered “desirable” will be given a little extra time, though it is only a matter of a day or two. Animals that are killed are usually perfectly healthy and often extremely sociable–they are by no means unadoptable, just victims of poor circumstance and timing.

Among the many methods of euthanization is gassing. Unfortunately, though outlawed in the majority of states, this practice is still legal in four states–namely Ohio, Wyoming, Missouri and Utah. Gas chambers are regarded as a particularly efficient method for euthanizing animals, as they allow workers to kill the most animals in the least amount of time. Gas chambers are metal boxes that emit either carbon monoxide (CO) or carbon dioxide (CO2) in high doses.

To save money spent on CO and CO2 gasses, tens of animals are usually cramped into the chamber at once. Animals are stressed and scared as they enter the unfamiliar environment that often reeks of the urine, blood, and feces of animals from prior executions. Dogs and cats cry out as they are being gassed and desperately try to escape, sometimes even breaking their own claws as they try to dig their way to freedom. Arguably the most disturbing part is that it might be upwards of forty minutes before an animal loses consciousness, so they are subjected to these agonizing conditions for a prolonged period of time.

Dogs and cats belong in homes to be loved and cared for, not thrown into metal gas chambers and discarded as if they are trash. Sign this petition to encourage that gas chambers be banned on a national level–there are more humane methods of euthanization, and it is our duty to ensure these methods are the ones implemented.


Dear President Biden,

The practice of euthanizing adoptable dogs and cats at overcrowded shelters is still very common throughout the United States. Among these methods of euthanization exists an unusually cruel method of torture–known as a gas chamber. Gas chambers, which are metal crates that emit copious amounts of poisonous gasses such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, are outlawed in most states. However, this means of euthanization is still legal and routinely practiced in four American states: Ohio, Wyoming, Missouri and Utah.

Dogs and cats subjected to these conditions suffer agonizing deaths. Tens of animals are thrown into a chamber at once, oftentimes stressed and scared by the strange environment. According to eyewitness accounts of the gassing process, animals typically cry out and try–without success–to dig their way out of the chambers. When unloading and discarding the bodies, shelter workers often notice injuries–like broken bones and claws–sustained during the gassing. Worst of all, it could take up to forty minutes for animals to completely lose consciousness, meaning they suffer immensely throughout this wretched process.

If dogs and cats must be killed by these shelters, we at least owe them a more humane death. Euthanization, by definition, means a painless death, so how can we continue to allow this as a permissible euthenasisa form? We are asking you, President Biden, to reduce the suffering of dogs and cats at shelters and to enact a national law banning the use of gas chambers in all states.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Erick Pleitez


  1. This should also be targeted toward all of the so-called ‘shelters’ that, many decades ago, co-opted themselves AWAY from the original shelters’ missions, into “killing for human CONVENIENCE” and “cleansing of the streets” KILLING MACHINES instead. Government neither needs to, nor can it solve this FOR us, when SOCIETY itself could solve it through the basic and necessary change in its OWN crappy ATTITUDES towards animals and its avoidance of individual and collective CARE & RESPONSIBILITY for those animals.

    • Julia Edinger says:

      I AGREE WITH “ D. M.
      This should also be targeted toward all of the so-called ‘shelters’ that, many decades ago, co-opted themselves AWAY from the original shelters’ missions, into “killing for human CONVENIENCE” and “cleansing of the streets” KILLING MACHINES instead. Government neither needs to, nor can it solve this FOR us, when SOCIETY itself could solve it through the basic and necessary change in its OWN crappy ATTITUDES towards animals and its avoidance of individual and collective CARE & RESPONSIBILITY for those animals.”

  2. Shades of the Nazi killing machines. This callosity is a by product of the same lack of humanity found in
    mass late term abortions. No respect for human life;no respect for animal life. Every thing exists only as a convenience or inconvenience to the ego.

  3. Samina+Araf says:

    Absolutely disgusting practice and USA claims to be a democratic country but allow these brutal killings of animals terrified and tortured to death! What kind of democracy does this show that animals are worthless and can be killed in such an inhumane way? You would expect this more in third world countries or uneducated societies but not a country like the USA! How do you live with yourselves allowing this, a life is a life be it a human or an animal yet you torture vulnerable and voiceless animals! Instead make neutering a law to end unwanted pets and give animals the life of dignity they deserve! SHAME ON YOU!!!

    • America is a constitutional Republic not Democratic! Killing of animals doesn’t have anything to do with Democrats or Republicans! it is just plain evil! I have rescued many dogs and cats in my life and continue to do so and I’m a proud Republican!

    • Patricia Lamonica says:


  4. Why is this still legal anywhere?

  5. This IS ANIMAL CRUELTY and ANYONE participating should be charge as such!! So LONG past time to protect life!!!

  6. Wtf in going on in these times??? Really it is scaring thinking that four States still is allow to practice this shame to poor souls???? So are you going to kook at China???? Shameful Missouri is the poorest State of the US so it not so difficult knowing that are so so primitive but not only that… Get civilezed now America… It is a very difficult moments for you and rhe rest of the world not listen to the corrupt politic!!!!!

  7. Shawna Flottemesch says:

    Stop. Until Roe Vs Wade is overturned I’m throwing fucking stupid shiters babies into.the fire pits. Fuckers shit themselves. Cannot think or do anything but fuck up the planet. BBQ fucking babies and all mother.fucking conservatives. I just put lots of bombs in the Court for my day to cook them. Remember humans breath

  8. This should never be happening in any shelter across the world. This is so inhumane and for these shelters to say they are helping animals is a lie. If people took responsibility for the animals they have and stop breeding, dogs would not have to die in shelters by any means

  9. Sadistic bastards….

  10. This is disgusting behavior! Charge every individual with animal abuse and let them rot in prison!

  11. I honestly don’t know how anyone could do this. How do they sleep at night? People need to start taking responsibility for thier pets instead of abandoning them or dropping them off at these shelters. No animal should be put to death because some sub human decided they didn’t want to take care of them anymore. Laws need to change. Animals need to be taken care of not slaughtered like thier lives have no meaning. Gas the people that abuse and kill animals. Gas the people that abandon animals. Gas the people that can do this for a living.. But leave the or defenseless animals alone.

  12. Steve Jones says:

    You all need to look up ‘inert gas euthenasia’, death by inhalation of nitrogen is painless and peaceful, because the victim doesn’t suffer from hypoxia (a build of carbon dioxide in the blood stream, which is what makes us feel the feeling of suffocation when we inhale either carbon dioxide, or are drowning). We should all be pushing for this sort of euthanasia for all animals that need it, and for its use in slaughterhouses too.
    Of course, it’s always useless, selfish criminal wasters who have pets but don’t get them neutered, always idiotic morons who, when asked why they don’t get their pets neutered, have some stupid ‘reason’ which doesn’t make any sense.
    Unfortunately, the world is full of selfish, evil people.

  13. Stephanie Geyser says:

    Reminds me of Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Treblinka, Bełżec and others and the notorious Zyklon-B. Yet this is happening in the USA – to the equally innocent and vulnerable. “The more helpless the victim, the greater the crime” (Dr Gerald Curtler).

  14. I honestly have no idea how anyone could “work” in such a so-called shelter. There should be ZERO KILL SHELTERS period, much less Nazi gas chambers.


  15. Shirley Lemieux says:

    Ohio, Wyoming, Missouri and Utah should be condemned for using gas chambers to kill dogs and cats. Why does this even exist? Why are issues like this continuously overlooked and ignored? Imagine having to give up your Pet to one of these Shelters for reasons unknown and then knowing that the pet you could no longer care for was killed in a Gas Chamber. What a twisted America we live in.

  16. Laura Rolder says:

    This is such a horrific way to die. No living innocent being deserve to be murdered in this manner. This has to stop. How about we do this to the humans who abuse animals and children etc.. They are the ones who should die in this manner not Innocent animals! Ban all states from using gas chambers!

  17. Susan Kramer says:

    Stop this awful torturing if innocent animals!

  18. Elaine Smith says:

    Gas chambers are a product of the Nazi’s. Sick, depraved torture of innocent lives. 72 hrs to hold for adoptiom if a joke, need longer to advocate as even real criminals get longer than that. Dogs are not disposable lives, but sentient beings. Karma will pay back these psychos big-time, down that shute to hell no stops.

  19. Maria Lavorato says:

    Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States



  20. Debra Broach says:

    What is the purpose of these damn shelters if they aren’t going to help these poor animals and just kill them? What person in their right mind can have a heart and do this to an innocent living being. I wonder about people like that. This country’s laws are so damned messed up and stupid it makes you sick! All these idiotic lawmakers need to suffer through the same fate they put not only people through, but precious animals too. Everyone gets a life review at the end of their time then has karma to pay for their actions. Well guess what? A kind loving, respectful, thoughtful person will have nothing to worry about. People who have treated humanity and animals (god’s creatures) with cruelty will have plenty to worry about. So these morons out here killing sweet, innocent souls, needlessly need to understand and be ready for what’s in store for them and those morons will well deserve what they are going to get.

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