Protect Animals at Shelter Where Injured Puppy was Stolen

Target: Justine Hickey, Chairperson of RSPCA Queensland

Goal: Enforce stronger security at RSPCA Queensland to prevent more animal thefts.

A four-month-old puppy named Cashew was stolen from RSPCA in Queensland by a man wearing a clown mask during early hours in the morning. The ordeal was caught on camera and showed the man in the mask forcing his way into the place and using a weapon to break into the cage. The RSPCA is calling the event “traumatic,” especially because Cashew had just received surgery and was in a fragile condition at the time of the break-in. Thankfully, she has been found, although she required additional medical attention after her rescue.

It is wonderful that Cashew is back and safe. She will now be able to receive the medicine needed to get healthy after her surgery. The man seen on camera has not been found, but authorities say they are still searching for him. Although this is a story with a happy ending, it is crucial to demand stronger security so this can never happen again. The puppy went through a traumatic event when she needed medical attention to recover. Having stronger security through all hours of the night can reassure the public that the animals are being taken care of and their safety is first. Call on the RSPCA Queensland to enforce this stronger security to keep all of their animals safe and sound.


Dear Chairperson Hickey,

After Cashew was stolen and put through a traumatic experience, it is crucial to enforce stronger security at RSPCA Queensland. No puppy should have to go through an ordeal like this. Cashew was in need of medicine and veterinary care at the time of being stolen. Thankfully, she was brought back safely and is now recovering. We demand RSPCA Queensland enforce stronger security at all times to ensure this never happens again.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Spamez



  2. Justine Hickey, Chairperson of RSPCA Queensland

    Enforce stronger security at RSPCA Queensland to prevent more animal thefts.

  3. Dalina Bayon says:

    Let’s be the voice for those precious animals that cannot speak for themselves

  4. Raynesha McGhee-Reed says:

    Keep a Really Close eye on the animals & Get much better Security

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