Save Endangered Wolves From Government-Approved Slaughter

Target: Anna-Caren Sätherberg, Minister of Rural Affairs for Sweden

Goal: Do not back calls to broaden wolf cull and further endanger this at-risk species.

Powerful special interests already responsible for the slaughter of countless animals every year are now successfully targeting endangered wolf populations in Sweden. A strong hunting lobby, backed by the agriculture sector, has successfully swayed the nation’s politicians to increase its annual wolf cull to the point where enough wolves will be killed in one year to match previous kills over a decade’s time. As a result, about 75 wolves will lose their lives amongst a population that already hovers below 500.

Previous recommendations from Sweden’s top environmental agency have advised that the nation’s total wolf population should not fall below 300. Prior to this number, the recommended lowest bar was 500, which has already been exceeded. Yet despite warnings and despite the important role that these apex predators play in maintaining well-balanced ecosystems, politicians are aiming to slash the population to a maximum of 170.

Sign the petition below to demand the Swedish government stop preserving special interests and start conserving essential wildlife.


Dear Minister Sätherberg,

The European Commission has already warned this government about its annual wolf cull and the ritual’s violation of policy and threat to critical conservation efforts. The Swedish people themselves, minus certain influential special interests, are increasingly speaking out against this practice and in favor of the wildlife it targets. You are aware of these concerns, yet your answer is to pressure Sweden’s top environmental agency to sign off on plummeting wolf populations down to a dangerously low 170.

This sanctioned slaughter will benefit no one but powerful lobbyists worried about their bottom line and their uninfringed ability to kill the maximum number of animals. It can and will, however, upend ecosystems. Please heed the growing number of calls to stop sending Sweden’s wolves on a slow march towards extinction.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Vincent MA Janssen


  1. This is awful! The government should listen to environmental professionals.
    Justice for these magnificent creatures!

  2. Julia Edinger says:

    I totally agree with Virginia
    “This is awful! The government should listen to environmental professionals.
    Justice for these magnificent creatures!”

  3. Wolves are not to be killed and extinct!

  4. It is disgusting, disgraceful and unconscionable how many of our magnificent Wild Wolves have been killed over the decades. These intelligent, social animals have every right to live and thrive in peace. Ranchers need to implement non-lethal protection for their cattle and sheep. There are proven methods to peacefully co-exist with our wild animals. Wolves are vitally important to our ecosystems and environments.

  5. Taymans Daisy says:

    😈😠❗NO ❗❗❗❗

  6. Shoshannah Tempest says:

    The wolf stands high in the divine order of this planet. It is extremely intelligent, keeps it’s mate for life, values social order and meets in councils…a much better mammal than man, who is for the most part a disgusting creature. I pray Sweden does the right thing and protects it.

  7. Entire ecosystems are kept in check because of Wolves. How do they not understand this yet? Read the facts!!

  8. Endangered WOLFS are Killed on Public Lands by Private Livestock Owners who Lease these Lands for their Livestock. Federal Agencies have NOT Taken actions to STOP or FINE these Private Livestock Owners. Proofs on the Internet of Killings and Action. BLM and US Forest Service Lease these Public Lands.

  9. Maria Lavorato says:

    How in God’s name can you proceed with such a despicable action.

    Wolves have every right to be here…and you have NO RIGHT to decide their fate. Listen to your own environmental agency!

    On the next go around I hope the wolves band together and cull you humans that slaughtered them. But I can bet wolves don’t have that kind of savage mind set. They just hunt for survival….NOT LOBBING FOR THEIR BOTTOM LINE!!!! SICKO GREEDY HUMANS. GET IT RIGHT AND TRY HUMANITY!

  10. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    my heart is bleeding
    how many of these poor angels still have to suffer and die because of rubbish heaps like these “people”.

  11. I agree with Shoshannah, “…a much better mammal than man, who is for the most part a disgusting creature.”

  12. As long as humans and wild animals compete about the same food, which is MEAT, wolves will be killed.
    GO VEGAN and this LEGALIZED CRIME against wolves will end.

  13. As long as humans compete with wolves about the same food, which is MEAT, the eradication of wolves will continue.
    GO VEGAN and this LEGALIZED CRIME against wolves will end!

  14. So long as bribery (aka Special Interests) exists in Politics then we will never make progress regardless of change.


  16. Marie Anderson says:

    Save the wolves! Stop the killing!

  17. Nadine brundage says:

    Humans are the pathetic breed of stupidity.Save the wolves.

  18. Jaime Perez says:

    Leave the wolves alone! There has been such a war on wolves for too long, it’s disgusting and wrong.

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