Stop Torturing Monkeys in Lab Experiments

Target: National Primate Research Center Directors John Morrison, Nancy L. Haigwood, Deepak Kaushal, Jay Rappaport, Michele A. Basso, Jon Levine, and Paul Johnson.

Goal: Stop unnecessary medical experiments on monkeys.

A truck on its way to a lab in Pennsylvania crashed on the highway. Inside, authorities found around 100 monkeys being transported in small crates. Three other monkeys were missing. Monkey feces and urine were smeared across the highway, causing hazardous consequences for vehicles driving by. The monkeys were not tested for any viruses, which is especially dangerous during a worldwide pandemic. When the three missing monkeys were found later, they were shot and killed due to orders from the CDC.

Monkeys carry various diseases such as West Nile virus, malaria, Chagas disease, simian immunodeficiency virus, herpes B, and hepatitis. All are transmittable to humans. The only way to stop the spread of disease from monkey to human is to close all of the seven lab facilities operated by the National Primate Research Center (NPRC). Centers are currently open in California, Oregon, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin, and Georgia. Not only is this dangerous to humans, but it is cruel to the monkeys. Tell the NRPC to stop experimenting on monkeys.


Dear Center Directors of NPRC,

We demand the halt of monkey experimentation in your centers. The recent crash of a truck carrying monkeys in Pennsylvania, where three of the animals died and many others were exposed to potential injury, shows it is time to stop this cruelty. Experimentation is not fair to the monkeys or the public. Animals in labs suffer unimaginably while living in constant fear. Furthermore, humans are being plagued by a global pandemic and transporting live monkeys  can expose us to even more harmful diseases.

It is not ethical in any way to keep your business up and running. Every center should hear the concerns from the public, shut down, and find safe places to keep the monkeys.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: budak



    ^ Nothing but lies and cover up from the start!This sh#t needs to stop!

  2. Jacqueline A says:

    Absolutely agree! Shut down these labs after these poor little innocent monkeys were killed.

  3. Theresa Scheuerman says:

    Stop animal abuse I’m in. Where do I sign. While I appreciate all your organization does for animals I have to ask. I am upset to see all the videos of dogs suffering and being asked to donate to people who are neglecting their pets basic needs like food, proper shelter from elements, toys, medical needs, proper medical treatment, why would you not remove the animals from such distressing situations. I am sorry. The tender mercies of the wicked is cruelty. Why would anybody leave the animals in such conditions even if you build them some little dog house. What good will that do to protect the poor animal from God’s cold? Pitbulls and any other dog like them are not outdoor animals. Just look at their coats. No disrespect intended. I love animals I feel distress everytime I see those heartbreaking videos.😢💖🙏

  4. Barbara Lynn Kruza says:

    With all the latest and greatest computers, they still want to hurt animals who are innocent and unarmed.

  5. Raymond Stevens says:

    These so called “scientist” are nothing more than evil psychopaths who get their rocks off hurting helpless, defenseless creatures. If there is a hell they’ll burn for this evil shit.

  6. All those who think testing on totally innocent helpless animals need to be the ones tested on – for the rest of their sorry lives…IN MY OPINION

  7. Monkeys deserve to be treated in a humane manner like all other animals.

  8. Jaime Perez says:

    This horror must stop now! No animal should ever be used for experiments or testing! There are better, more modern methods. These tests are unnecessary and have no bearing on human results. Also it’s nothing but a waste of taxpayer dollars.

  9. Please put an end to this vile and inhuman practice. There has to be a better way, one that honors life rather than tortures it.

    • We should not be importing any wild animal for any reason, leave them be in the wild. Don’t disclose labs only, our “College educated” in the medical field learn to kill on animals before they graduate, and that’s OK? This includes the makeup that women wear.
      Sorry, I could go on and on about the world’s entitlement to take an innocent animals life, the whole vicious circle is sick.

  10. National Primate Research Center Directors John Morrison, Nancy L. Haigwood, Deepak Kaushal, Jay Rappaport, Michele A. Basso, Jon Levine, and Paul Johnson.

    Stop the vile and evil torture and murder unnecessary medical experiments on innocent and helpless monkeys.

    These so called “scientist” are nothing more than evil psychopaths who get their thrill from torturing and murdering helpless, defenseless creatures. If there is a hell they’ll burn for this evil shit.And these monsters deserve to suffer in agony the same as their innocent and defenceless victims endured.


  12. This is an extremely VILE and UNETHICAL PSEUDO-RESEARCH committed by humans PSYCHOPATHS who are allowed to LAWFULLY torture highly-intelligent animals and get paid for this horror.

  13. Raynesha+McGhee-Reed says:

    Those poor monkeys don’t really deserve this & them vile so-called scientists should be put in the Slammer because it’s animal cruelty.

  14. Shirley Lemieux says:

    I agree with many who have signed this petition. Government agencies and labs who either fund or are involved in experimenting on animals such as monkeys are pure evil. These labs or any labs should have been abolished decades ago. Any person or “scientist” for the purpose of “research” that can poison and torture these animals are as close to Satan as one could get. It is pure evil.

  15. This brutality to Monkeys is beyond depraved cruelty on all fronts — END the use of Animals in Labs — Pay a visit to — STOP the merciless torment — get some knowledge, compassion and respect — we need NOT perform experiments on Animals anymore – we have alternative methods whereby Animals are NOT used

  16. Instigation of the death penalty and nothing less must be performed on every scumbag who abusers animals.

  17. Julia Edinger says:

    “This horror must stop now! No animal should ever be used for experiments or testing! There are better, more modern methods. These tests are unnecessary and have no bearing on human results. Also it’s nothing but a waste of taxpayer dollars.” STOP THIS CRUEL TREATMENT TO THOSE PRECIOUS SOUL’S,,, IMMEDIATELY !!!

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